• Corpus ID: 197431448

Non-Abelian Berry Gauge Field and Topological Invariant in Parity-Time Symmetric Non-Hermitian Spin-1/2 Quantum Systems

  title={Non-Abelian Berry Gauge Field and Topological Invariant in Parity-Time Symmetric Non-Hermitian Spin-1/2 Quantum Systems},
  author={Ananya Ghatak and Tanmoy Das},
  journal={arXiv: Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics},
Recently developed parity (P) and time-reversal (T) symmetric non-Hermitian quantum theory is envisioned to have far-reaching implications and applications. It is known that the PT-inner product is defined with respect to a non-canonical, system generated symmetry, namely the C symmetry. We show that the PT symmetric equation of motion is defined by the simultaneous time evolution of the state $\psi(t)$ and the operator C(t) to manifests unitarity - a situation analogous to the Dirac… 
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