• Corpus ID: 4691391

The Category of von Neumann Algebras

  title={The Category of von Neumann Algebras},
  author={Abraham Westerbaan},
This dissertation includes an extensive introduction to the basic theory of $C^*$-algebras and von Neumann algebraes and its category of completely positive normal contractive maps.

Dagger and Dilation in the Category of Von Neumann Algebras

This doctoral thesis is a mathematical study of quantum computing, concentrating on two related, but independent topics: dilations and effectus theory.

Effectuses in Categorical Quantum Foundations

This thesis develops the theory of effectuses as a categorical axiomatic approach to quantum theory. It provides a comprehensive introduction to effectus theory and reveals its connections with

Quantum monadic algebras

    J. Harding
    Mathematics, Physics
  • 2022
We introduce quantum monadic and quantum cylindric algebras. These are adaptations to the quantum setting of the monadic algebras of Halmos, and cylindric algebras of Henkin, Monk and Tarski, that

Pure Maps between Euclidean Jordan Algebras

We propose a definition of purity for positive linear maps between Euclidean Jordan Algebras (EJA) that generalizes the notion of Kraus rank one channels ($A\mapsto B^*AB$). We show that this

The three types of normal sequential effect algebras

It is found that associativity forces normal SEAs satisfying the new axiom to be commutative, shedding light on the question of why the sequential product in quantum theory should be non-associative.

A characterisation of ordered abstract probabilities

A structure theory for effect monoids that are ω-complete, i.e. where every increasing sequence has a supremum is presented, which gives an algebraic characterisation and motivation for why any physical or logical theory would represent probabilities by real numbers.

Three characterisations of the sequential product

It has already been established that the properties required of an abstract sequential product as introduced by Gudder and Greechie are not enough to characterise the standard sequential product

An effect-theoretic reconstruction of quantum theory

An often used model for quantum theory is to associate to every physical system a C∗-algebra. From a physical point of view it is unclear why operator algebras would form a good description of

Quantum sets

A quantum set is defined to be simply a set of nonzero finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces. Together with binary relations, essentially the quantum relations of Weaver, quantum sets form a dagger

Von Neumann Algebras form a Model for the Quantum Lambda Calculus

We present a model of Selinger and Valiron's quantum lambda calculus based on von Neumann algebras, and show that the model is adequate with respect to the operational semantics.

A course in operator theory

Introduction to C*-algebras Normal operators Compact operators Some non-normal operators More on C*-algebras Compact perturbations Introduction to von Neumann algebras Reflexivity Bibliography Index

Paschke Dilations

The dilation introduced by Paschke is used for arbitrary NCP-maps, and it is shown that it coincides with Stinespring’s dilation (a fact not shown before) by introducing a universal property for Paschkes dilation, which Stines springs dilation also satisfies.

Infinite-Dimensionality in Quantum Foundations: W*-algebras as Presheaves over Matrix Algebras

In this paper, W*-algebras are presented as canonical colimits of diagrams of matrix algebrs and completely positive maps and found to be dense in W*, as well as in the opposite direction.

Dagger and Dilation in the Category of Von Neumann Algebras

This doctoral thesis is a mathematical study of quantum computing, concentrating on two related, but independent topics: dilations and effectus theory.

Quantum Collections

We develop the viewpoint that W, the opposite of the category of W -algebras and unital normal ∗-homomorphisms, is analogous to the category of sets and functions. For each pair of W -algebras M and

Operator Algebras in Quantum Computation

In this master thesis, I discuss how the theory of operator algebras, also called operator theory, can be applied in quantum computer science.

Linear maps of *-algebras preserving the absolute value

. In order that a linear map of 6'-algebras «¡>: & -» ® preserve absolute values, it is necessary and sufficient that it be 2-positive and preserve zero products of positive elements: if x and y are