The physician’s role in the protection of human research subjects

  title={The physician’s role in the protection of human research subjects},
  author={John R. Williams},
  journal={Science and Engineering Ethics},
The article describes the general principles of the patient-physician relationship that should regulate the participation of physicians in clinical trials and proposes guidelines for determining when and how such participation should proceed.

Research ethics III: Publication practices and authorship, conflicts of interest, and research misconduct.

The authors provide a comprehensive review of the 9 core domains for the responsible conduct of research (RCR) as articulated by the Office of Research Integrity and discusses a host of research practices that raise ethical concerns.

Ethics III : Publication Practices and Authorship , Conflicts of Interest , and Research Misconduct SUPPLEMENT

Purpose: In this series of articles—Research Ethics I, Research Ethics II, and Research Ethics III— the authors provide a comprehensive review of the 9 core domains for the responsible conduct of

Research ethics I: Responsible conduct of research (RCR)--historical and contemporary issues pertaining to human and animal experimentation.

All readers interested in RCR should appreciate how the history of science and all the good--and harm--it has produced can inform how researchers practice responsible research in the 21st century and beyond.

Exploring the Obligation to Inform: Disclosing the Purpose and Benefits of Research in an Increasingly Commercial Research Environment

The data suggest that without adequate regulatory guidance, IRBs may be meeting the letter but not the spirit of the federal regulations, and the extent to which IRBs can assess the adequacy of the consent process, the effectiveness of the IRB in performing oversight responsibilities, and optimal protection of human subjects.

The impact of the method of consent on response rates in the ISAAC time trends study.

The requirement for active consent for population school-based questionnaire studies can impact negatively on response rates, particularly English language centres, thus adversely affecting the validity of the data.

Molecular Characterization of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency in a University Community in Malaysia

The finding of this study demonstrate that the most common mutation among AMDI staff and students is Mahidol (487 G>A), followed by mutation Viangchan (871G>A).

Ética de la investigación biomédica

Un total de 183 entradas fueron halladas. De ellas, sólo se seleccinaron las publicaciones posteriores a 1996 relacionadas con 5 subtemas: consentimiento informado, comités de ensayos clínicos,

The Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code Human Rights in Human Experimentation

This volume sheds light on keenly debated issues of both science and jurisprudence, including the ethics of human experimentation; the doctrine of informed consent; and the Code's impact on today's international human rights agenda.

An Ambulance of the Wrong Colour Health Professionals, Human Rights and Ethics in South Africa

Notes on terminology confronting the past health and the apartheid state civilian health services health care in custody health professionals in the South African military the "scientific"

Protecting research subjects--the crisis at Johns Hopkins.

In June 2001, Ellen Roche, a healthy young technician at the Johns Hopkins Asthma and Allergy Center, died during an asthma study. The tragedy prompted several intensive investigations of research ...

Dr. Roger Poisson: "I have learned my lesson the hard way".

    F. Lowry
  • 1994
The pope made an appearance in Montreal at the same time, arriving in his bullet-proof, glass-walled "popemobile" at a cathedral near the Queen Elizabeth Hotel, where the meeting was being held.