Systematic identification of SH3 domain‐mediated human protein–protein interactions by peptide array target screening

  title={Systematic identification of SH3 domain‐mediated human protein–protein interactions by peptide array target screening},
  author={Chenggang Wu and Mike Haiting Ma and Kevin R. Brown and Matt Geisler and Lei Li and Eve Tzeng and Christina Y. H. Jia and Igor Jurisica and Shawn S.-C. Li},
Compared to protein interactions listed in the online predicted human interaction protein database (OPHID), the majority of interactions identified by PATS are novel, suggesting that, when extended to the large number of peptide interaction domains encoded by the human genome, PATS should aid in the mapping of the human interactome.

Proteome-wide Detection of Abl1 SH3-binding Peptides by Integrating Computational Prediction and Peptide Microarray*

This study provides a comprehensive list of candidate interacting partners for the Abl1 protein, among which the presence of numerous methyltransferases and RNA splicing proteins may suggest a novel function of Abl 1 in chromatin remodeling and RNA processing.

Using peptide array to identify binding motifs and interaction networks for modular domains.

The application of oriented peptide array libraries in uncovering specific motifs recognized by an SH2 domain and the use of high-density peptide arrays in identifying interaction networks mediated by the SH3 domain are described.

Interactome Mapping Uncovers a General Role for Numb in Protein Kinase Regulation*

A proteomic strategy combining peptide and protein microarray screening with biochemical and cellular assays to identify modular domain-mediated protein-protein interactions in a systematic manner, implicating Numb in regulating phosphorylation signaling through protein kinases and phosphatases is reported.

Peptide Array X-Linking (PAX): A New Peptide-Protein Identification Approach

The development of a peptide array-based proteomics tool to identify proteins directly interacting with ligand peptides from cell lysates and the results suggest the capacity of arrayed peptide ligands to capture and subsequently identify proteins by mass spectrometry is relatively broad and robust.

Large-Scale Screening of Preferred Interactions of Human Src Homology-3 (SH3) Domains Using Native Target Proteins as Affinity Ligands*

The panel of exceptionally robust SH3 interactions identified here provides a rich source of leads and hypotheses for further studies, and indicates that a truly comprehensive characterization of the human SH3 interactome will require novel high-throughput methods based on function instead of absolute binding affinity.

Computational Prediction of PDZ Mediated Protein-protein Interactions

The goal of this thesis has been to build general predictors that can be used to scan the proteomes of multiple organisms for ligands for almost all PDZ domains from select model organisms and show that these predictors are complementary to each other, are capable of predicting unseen interactions and can be use for the purposes of proteome scanning in human, worm and fly.

Prediction of phosphotyrosine signaling networks using a scoring matrix-assisted ligand identification approach

Applying SMALI to a group of SH2 domains identified hundreds of interactions that overlap significantly with known networks mediated by the corresponding SH2 proteins, suggesting SMALi is a useful tool for facile identification of signaling networks mediatedBy modular domains that recognize short linear peptide motifs.

Studying protein-protein interactions using peptide arrays.

The applications, advantages and disadvantages of using peptide arrays as a tool to study protein-protein interactions are discussed and the recent work on this subject is introduced.

The human interaction network mediated by Src Homology-3 domains: enriching the viral-host interactomes with interactions mediated by Src Homology-3 domains

The WISE (Whole Interactome Scanning Experiment) approach was applied to identify interactions between 15 human SH3 domains and viral proline-rich peptides of two oncogenic viruses, HPV (Human papillomavirus type 16) and Ad12 (Human adenovirus A type 12).

Identification of preferred protein interactions by phage‐display of the human Src homology‐3 proteome

It is argued that SH3 domains may have a more dominant role in directing cellular protein interactions than has been assumed and led to the discovery of novel signalling proteins, such as the PAK2‐binding adaptor protein POSH2 and the ADAM15‐binding sorting nexin family member SNX30.

Novel Src Homology 3 Domain-binding Motifs Identified from Proteomic Screen of a Pro-rich Region *S

The studies suggest that the SH3 domain is an inherently promiscuous interaction module capable of binding to peptides that may or may not contain a PXXP motif, and implies that the global ligand pool for SH3 domains in a mammalian proteome may be significantly greater than previously acknowledged.

A Combined Experimental and Computational Strategy to Define Protein Interaction Networks for Peptide Recognition Modules

A strategy combining computational prediction of interactions from phage-display ligand consensus sequences with large-scale two-hybrid physical interaction tests is developed, resulting in a strategy containing 59 highly likely interactions common to both networks.

Protein Interaction Networks by Proteome Peptide Scanning

This work has developed an approach, named WISE (whole interactome scanning experiment), that permits rapid and reliable identification of the partners of any peptide recognition module by peptide scanning of a proteome, thereby offering a powerful proteomic tool to help completing a full description of the cell interactome.

WW Domains Provide a Platform for the Assembly of Multiprotein Networks

It is demonstrated that a single polypeptide can bind multiple classes of WW domains through separate proline-rich motifs, suggesting that WW domains provide a versatile platform to link individual proteins into physiologically important networks.

Scansite 2.0: proteome-wide prediction of cell signaling interactions using short sequence motifs

Scansite identifies short protein sequence motifs that are recognized by modular signaling domains, phosphorylated by protein Ser/Thr- or Tyr-kinases or mediate specific interactions with protein or phospholipid ligands, allowing segments of biological pathways to be constructed in silico.

Specificity and versatility of SH3 and other proline-recognition domains: structural basis and implications for cellular signal transduction.

Structural and biochemical analysis of many interaction domains in recent years has started to shed light on the molecular basis underlying specific compared with diverse binding events that are mediated by interaction domains and the role affinity plays in affecting domain specificity and regulating cellular signal transduction.

A map of WW domain family interactions

The first protein‐protein interaction map of a domain in the human proteome is described, which allows for the rapid elucidation of WW domain‐ligand interactions with multiple applications including prediction of exact WW ligand binding sites, which can be applied to the mapping of other protein signaling domain families.